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Hollywood is on the MAP!

City of Hollywood

February 24, 2022

The Mobility Advancement Program (MAP), funded by the Broward County voter-approved transportation surtax, is the name used to describe all the elements of the 30-year project-based plan. Broward County has a detailed, 30-year Mobility Advancement Plan to implement the local one percent, 30-year surtax approved by voters.

The Plan is designed to reduce traffic congestion, improve roads and bridges, enhance traffic light timing, develop safe sidewalks and bike paths, expand mass transit, fully fund special needs/on-demand services, fully fund community shuttles, connect multi-use paths, enhance school safety zones and fund a variety of city transportation projects. The plan includes transit, public works, municipal projects, innovation investments, planning, operations and maintenance, and administrative support services used to operationalize the Program.

In 2021, MAP rebranded with a new name, MAP Broward, to acknowledge the program's dedicated services to the Broward County community. Here is what’s in it for Hollywood!
Cycle 1 approved projects in the City of Hollywood total approximately $11.7 Million. Here are the awarded Municipal Rehabilitation and Maintenance Projects total cost $5,672,326:

• Resurfacing of North 58th Ave and Sidewalk Repair Project - $1,666,863
Status: In Progress

Project Details: The project includes 1.1 miles of resurfacing on N 58th Ave. between Johnson St. & Sheridan St, sidewalk repairs, and drainage improvements.
• Sidewalk, Pavement and Arterial Resurfacing Project - $2,967,457
Status: In Progress

Project Details: 5 phases of milling, paving, resurfacing and sidewalk repairs to benefit the residents and visitors walking, biking & driving in District 3 & 4.

• Liberty Street Sidewalk Repairs and ADA Upgrades Project - $1,038,006

Status: In Progress

Project Details: The project includes approximately 350 ft. of sidewalk replacement, ADA upgrades, drainage repairs, and pavement resurfacing on Liberty Street between N. 33rd. Ave. & N. 31 Ave.

Municipal Capital Project Details: $6,070,000

• Hollywood Blvd from East End of City Hall Circle to Dixie Hwy Complete Streets Improvements - Funded Phase: Construction at $700,000

Status: Executed - Project Underway. Project Details: Proposed landscaping is associated with a MPO-funded complete streets project. 

• Industrial Park and Corridor Improvements - Funded Phase: Construction at $5,000,000

Project Details: Drainage improvements addressing runoff from public roads are eligible per Section III (B) of ILA. Drainage calculations must be submitted to confirm that only incidental drainage from private property, if any, is included in the design of the drainage system. 

• Complete Streets - State Rd 7 - Funding Phase: Design at $120,000

Project Details: City contribution to enhance the $60 million FDOT improvement project to fund mobility hubs; pedestrian access to the linear park; lighting; play & exercise equipment, shade structure, drinking fountains; wayfinding signage; traffic calming; paved parking. 

• Complete Streets - Johnson Street - Funding Phase: Planning at $150,000

Project Details: Acquisition of right of way along Johnson Street for implementation of Complete Streets design. 

• Transportation/Traffic Calming - District 5 - Funding Phase: Design at $100,000

Project Details: Construct missing sidewalk network, improve deficient network (narrow asphalt walks, 64th Ave, south side of Johnson St to Taft St), Improve ADA and school crossings ramps. Improve lighting near the schools, parks, intersection and school crossings. 

For additional information on City of Hollywood MAP projects, visit the City’s website

For a full list of partner projects, please visit the MAP Broward website

To watch the Transportation Surtax Oversite Board Meetings, visit the MAP Broward YouTube Channel

Hollywood Mardi Gras
"Let the Good Times Roll" as Mardi Gras returns to Downtown Hollywood this Sunday, February 27th from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Come to downtown Hollywood at 1920 Hollywood Blvd for this family friendly event that will feature a 2nd Line processional, live music, artisan vendors, children's activities and more.

For event information please visit,

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