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Local & World Events Are In Focus: Hallandale Beach Helps Ukraine & Is Moving Forward After Reopening

By Hallandale Beach Mayor, Joy Cooper

March 31, 2022

As the War in Ukraine continues to rage, the country still needs all of the help they can get. Right here in Hallandale Beach a group, 'Florida for Ukraine' is busy packing shipments weekly and they are asking for these items:

Coleman Brazos Cold Weather Sleeping Bags, Combat Tactical IFAK for First Aid Response Bleeding Controls, Celox - Hemostatic Granules, Burn Aid – Water Gel Burn Dressings 4X16 or 4X4, Tourniquets «CAT» (Mechanical means for a stop of bleeding like «CAT»), Emergency (Israeli Battle Dressings) Compression Bandages, Heavy Duty Knee Protector Pads, Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Neosporin Ointments, Triple Antibiotic Ointments, Wound Dressings, Adhesive Bandages, Pressure Dres-sings, Multi-Trauma Dressings, First Aid Padded Universal Aluminum Splints and Gauze Band-age Rolls 4X4.

Florida For Ukraine Co-President Rafi Nagli is running a warehouse located in Hallandale Beach. You can donate there in person, donation center hours are Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM, Sunday: 11 AM – 3 PM at 227 NW 2nd Ave, Hallandale, FL 33009. I have also placed a bin at our City Hall to receive donations, they can also use cash donations. I encourage our residents to support these efforts. For Florida For Ukraine donation information and to offer assistance contact Karina: +1 (754) 703-6642 or Masha: +1 (312) 859 -4896 or visit or visit Amazon’s List: .

On the COVID-19 Front, the FDA has released recommendations for a 4th Booster Shot for individuals ages 50 and up. Originally, the 4th Boost Shot was recommended for those ages 12 and up that are Immuno-deficient. Pfizer and Moderna now recommend the Booster 4 months after your last shot. While the jury is still out on whether it is needed for those in good health, some doctors are saying it may be time to due to the new Variant. Readers may recall that Israel was moving in this direction a few months ago. I have doctor friends that have already gotten the Booster to help them stay protected.

Our City has officially reopened. While we are open, we are still struggling to fill positions. Our Police Department is in the process of hiring Front Desk Clerks. After speaking with the Acting Chief, they are close to finding new hires. Our Building Division has also found a shortage of Structural Inspectors. This impacts our ability to turn around permits. Our City has been so busy with Redevelopment, 40-Year Inspections and New Construction. To fill the gaps, we contracted with both the City and a Private Provider.

I have written so often about this critical issue. There are ways contractors and residents can help themselves with the process. Our Staff is here to review plans and check for deficiencies. I want to emphasize “deficiencies!” All of the rules and regulations that we enforce are part of Florida’s Building Codes. Contractors need to know these rules and regulations. Before filing their permits, they need to make sure they are accurate and all of the information is included. If something is not correct it has to go through a full cycle before you can even address the problems.

I can list all of the numerous times that this has happened. Sometimes it is for something as easy as Insurances, Certifications, Licenses, Product Specifications or Apartment Plans without the location of the plans in the condo building itself. A basic remodel requires plans that show everything they need from a contractor to be submitted to see if there is an expansion of a footprint, then it needs to have surveys and can become very complex.

When the permit is submitted on-line, the system places it in a queue. On average Our Staff is handling up to 200 permits on a daily basis. The plan goes through each applicable specialty; Electric, Plumbing, Structure, Fire, Building and Zoning. Corrections cannot be submitted until each plan reviewer has completed their comments within the cycle and it can take up to three or four weeks. The applicant can now make the corrections and the plan gets put back in the queue. So, it can take another few weeks.

The process continues until the plan is approved, then it goes to pricing and this too, often messes up the permit. Individuals try to reduce values so the permit will cost less. Our Department reviews the work and evaluates if it is within reasonable industry standards. If it is not, once again it has to go back through the system. Once everything is in order, the application needs to be paid and then the work can commence. As you can see, it is not an easy process, but it is required by law.

Next Tuesday, I will be hosting my first Live Town Hall Meeting since the COVID-19 Pandemic and I will be at Foster Park, located at 609 Northwest 6th Avenue, Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. to update our residents and answer their questions about Our City Business. I am hoping to have someone from the Broward Housing Authority to address services to help our residents. In addition, Acting Chief Michel hopefully, will be able to give residents an update about police matters.

As always, feel free to contact me anytime with your questions, concerns and ideas on how to make our City a great place to live, work and play! I am available by phone or text at: (954) 632-5700. E-mail me at: Or visit my Facebook & Web-site at:

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