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The City of Aventura General Election

October 17, 2022

The City of Aventura General Election to elect members to the City Commission is scheduled for November 8th, 2022. The Mayor Seat, as well as Commissioner Seats 2, 4 and 6 were open for Election. The qualifying period to determine eligibility to be placed on the November Ballot was August 15th - August 19th, 2022.

Following qualifying, the following members were the sole candidates to qualify and as such, are deemed to be Elected by Operation Of Law: Mayor-Elect Howard S. Weinberg, Mayor Seat, Commissioner - Elect Michael Stern, Seat 2 and Commissioner - Elect Paul A. Kruss, Seat 4. Those members will be sworn into office on November 15th, 2022 and their terms will begin at that time.

The General Election will be held on November 8th, 2022 to determine the Commissioner for Seat 6 on the Commission. The following residents qualified in August to be placed on the ballot: Amit Bloom and Alberto Zaltzberg.

If you are a registered voter in the City of Aventura and you need to verify your precinct number and polling location, please go to the Miami-Dade County Elections website or contact the Miami-Dade County Elections Department at: (305) 499-VOTE (8683). The precinct numbers and polling locations for registered voters in the City of Aventura are as follows: 99, 102, 103, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, and 184. For location and more information about these precinct's please visit:

If you need to register to vote, please contact the Miami-Dade County Elections Department via phone at: (305) 499-VOTE (8363). Or online at: Information regarding Vote-By-Mail Ballots, Early Voting Schedule, and checking your current voter information is also available through the Miami-Dade County Elections Department.

Election Integrity
The strength of our nation rests on the ability that “We the People” have a voice in its governance and are confident in the integrity of our elections. In this hour, public trust in our Elections is being systematically undermined, to the detriment of all Americans. During and after the 2020 Presidential Election, the integrity of our Democracy has been challenged by misinformation, disinformation and malinformation that sows discord and undermines trust in America’s electoral process.

Florida Law requires that all voting in Florida is done using Paper Ballots. Those Ballots can only be counted using certified machines that have been publicly tested before and after each Election. After every Election, we always conduct a Public Audit to verify that the results are accurate.

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