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Important Reminders: For City of Hollywood Residents

September 30, 2021

Last October, a new three-tiered utility rate structure for water and wastewater customers began that included an annual rate increase while encouraging water conservation. The annual rate adjustments are funding increasing operating costs and mandatory water and wastewater system upgrades to meet state and federal regulatory requirements.

The three tier rate structure rewards customers who conserve water and creates an incentive for those who currently do not, thereby allowing customers greater control over their monthly bill. The charges for water increase as usage increases, so the more water a customer consumes, the higher the rate they are charged. 

An average single family residential customer’s monthly water usage is 600 cubic feet (approximately 4,500 gallons). Effective your first utility bill in November, the average water customer can expect to pay $25.62, an increase of $0.30 a month. The average water and wastewater customer will pay $77.58, an increase of $0.87 a month. The new stormwater rate of $7.62 is an increase of $1.50 a month, based on the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) Annual Price Index. As a reminder for seasonal customers who live here less than 12 months a year, a minimum monthly base rate is charged regardless of use.

Sanitation Fee for Single Family Homes and Duplex Apartments
Effective October 1st, single family homes and duplexes who receive solid waste and recycling collection services from Waste Pro, USA will see a new monthly rate of $45.00 for twice-weekly garbage collection, weekly recycling and yard waste collections, monthly bulk collection, processing and disposal. Annual increases to the rate will be determined based on contractual obligations and program administrative costs. For more information about the sanitation fee for single family homes and duplex apartments please visit

Reinstatement of Disconnections for Past Due Balances
Over one year ago, the City of Hollywood temporarily suspended its policy for service disconnections for past due balances. It was a way to help customers through a difficult economic time and to ensure water service was available for hand washing and other hygiene measures during the height of the pandemic. Customers were encouraged to stay current with their utility payments during this time if they were able, and to reach out for assistance in setting up a payment plan if they were not. 

Disconnections and late penalties for past due utility balances will resume on October 1st, 2021. Customers with an outstanding balance on their utility accounts have the following options:

• If you need assistance: Contact the Family Success Center for Broward County to apply for emergency assistance online here or by calling the Emergency Rental Assistance Hotline at: (888) 692-7203 between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

• If you need to set up a payment plan: Contact the City's Customer Service team by calling: (954) 921-3938 or by email

• If you would like to pay a delinquent balance in full: You can make a payment online, use the 24-hour automated phone system by calling: (954) 921-3938 or one of the below options:

• Drive-thru window at City Hall, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard – (North side of building). Hours: 7:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday

• After hours drop box at City Hall, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard (North side of building) next to the "drive thru" window

For more information, please visit the City’s website at: Or call Utility Billing Customer Service at: (954) 921-3938.

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