Hallandale Beach Get The Full Perspective

By Hallandale Beach Mayor Joy Cooper
August 8, 2024
How do you get your news? We all know it is easy to find out what is happening on the national level. At times it seems like we cannot get away from the 24-hour news cycle. We watch our local stations to get the news about what is happening in South Florida. Until recently, I was getting both the Herald and Sun Sentinel to my door for printed news. I now have opted reluctantly to get my papers online. I am happy this paper is still in print, but I also read the online version since it is not delivered to our doorstep.
News and information, I believe, are a bit different. In this column, I share what is taking place within our City and cover items of interest that affect our community. I like to consider this column not just news but information, a report per se, of what has taken place at City Hall with a deeper explanation. Not simply a sound bite.
So where else can Hallandale Beach get information about our City? For years we sent out the Hallandale Beach Happenings. It used to be sent out quarterly then biannual and about eight years the city stopped production. This past year we once again started to mail out the Happenings. After a citizen survey we conducted this past spring, we found residents would like more information. We also found that just like we are all different we all like to get our information in diverse ways.
Communication with our residents is critical. While we provide information on a website at: www.cohb.org and have used Social Media there is still valuable information that can be sent through a newsletter. The Hallandale Happening is mailed out to our residents. It includes greetings from myself and the commission, but it also takes a deeper dive into our City Departments.
We have 10 Departments with multiple subdivisions. For example, the Department of Public Works covers everything from providing water to sanitation. The Sustainable Development Department, formerly the Building Department, includes Planning Code Licensing and everything that pertains to doing business. Police and Fire do not simply provide patrols and emergency responses, they offer an array of services and programs.
So, you can see our City provides multiple vital services. We want to make sure our residents have and can get the information they need. We have decided to create the Happening three times a year. Obviously, we also know we need to make sure everyone has access through the media they like.
Over the past year we have had issues with our HB app. All technology evolves over time and the service provider was not able to ensure that Emergency Notifications were going out on time. We have contracted Everbridge Mass Notification. This company is geared to emergencies.
We want our residents to be informed. We do have one task! You do need to sign up. You can download the app Everbridge from your app store. Please note the one you want has a logo that looks like a check mark. You can also visit our website at: www.cohb.org and click on notifications.
The MyHB App is also a great resource to connect you to the city. You can link to departments and even report an issue. We also have a Facebook page - City of Hallandale Beach Government. Note: there is only one that is officially the city. People want to connect as part of our community but please remember it is always wise to be cautious.
Other Departments have FB including Human Service and Park and Recreation. Our Police Activities League is also a good one to follow.
We also have Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Be on the lookout for our next edition of the Hallandale Beach Happenings.
As always, it is an honor to be your Mayor of Hallandale Beach. I am always available 24/7/365.
I can be reached via Cell/Text at: (954) 632-5700. On my Email at: jcooper@cohb.org. Or: joy@mayorjoycooper.com. You can also subscribe to HB 360 News at: www.mayorjoycooper.com where each week I give you the full perspective and share important information.
I encourage you to reach out and share your questions, concerns, and ideas to help make our City an even better place. Working for you! Always have! Always will!