Roll With The Punches
By Judith Levy
Jan 7, 2025
Life offers many ups and downs. Some blows, especially the unexpected ones, bolts out of the blue, are more hurtful than others, but what choice do we have? We must endure. The loss of loved ones, parents, partners, and worst of all a child leaves no option but to reel from the blow, get up, steady yourself and go on.
Many times, we wonder what we did to deserve this unspeakable sadness. There are no answers for you, only words of sympathy that are being offered by friends who want to, but don’t really know how to comfort you. You listen, appreciate their kindness but nothing will help other than the passage of time.
You look at the pictures of your dear loved ones, even talk to them, but nothing will ease your pain other than some momentary distraction and the ticking of the clock, heralding the passage of time. The calendar betrays your true feelings with each passing birthday or anniversary that shouts at you, remember me and the good times we spent together. Of course you do remember them, and painful as it is, you hold those memories dear and try to comfort yourself with recollections of the heartfelt times and the laughter you shared with these people whose absence leaves a permanent hole in your heart. I know it’s difficult, been there and done that, but do try to look forward. The people you loved would want that for you. Your happiness would be their fondest wish, so embrace that thought and try to face tomorrow with good thoughts and a smile.
Rain makes flowers bloom and then to everyone’s joy, the sun comes out. Sometimes reaching out to be with someone who has walked the road you are now traveling on offers a modicum of relief from sorrow. Helping others might help you. Try it.
Judith Levy speaks for organizations and is the New York Times best-selling author of GRANDMOTHER REMEMBERS, which has sold over four million copies and the mega best-seller GRANDFATHER REMEMBERS published by HarperCollins. Both books, perfect gifts, are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.