"Potholes Are Not Partisan" Please Do Your Part - As Every Single Vote Will Count
By Hallandale Beach Mayor, Joy Cooper
November 3, 2022
It’s been an unusual couple of weeks here in Hallandale Beach. We have our Local Elections taking place and while the current Commission has been very vocal about what we don’t want, we do hope that the electors of our City understand that the future is in your hands. If you are like me, you probably can’t wait until next Wednesday. But please do your part as every single vote will count.
I hope you have already had the chance to Vote early. Early Voting is still taking place at our Cultural Center right behind City Call on Southeast 3rd Street and Federal Highway until Sunday. You will also be able to drop off your Ballot. If you wait until Tuesday to Vote, please make sure you know where your Polling place is. In years past, we used to have 15 locations but now we only have three. There are three now in the City. One off of Parkview Drive in the Three Islands area at the Clubhouse of Towers of Ocean View, the Community Cultural Center and at Foster Park at the 600 block.
It seems that 6 years ago, our Elections and Political Climate brought out the worst in society. The Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer wielding maniac intended for her sheds light on how bad it has truly gotten. Then the former President Trump's son joking about it is over the top. Kanye West’s disgusting Antisemitic Rhetoric about Jewish people set me over the top.
I typically do not get in this fray as a Mayor in a Non-Partisan Seat but not talking out about this hatred is almost as bad as condoning it. We cannot all agree on every topic. There are good and bad policies and people on both sides of the Isle. Republican, Democrat or Non-Partisan, we all need to stand up against these Extremists and Extreme Views. They are crippling our country.
This Tuesday, I’m sure those of us that traversed throughout the City realize that traffic was pretty heavy and diverted off of both Federal Highway and Pembroke Road due to the visit of President Biden. As of the writing of this article, I am hoping that Tuesday went well and that there were no protests or worse incidents.
I received a call on Friday from the White House after evaluating many locations for President Biden’s Policy Presentation that we were one of the top choices. They loved our Facilities at OB Johnson Park and The Hepburn Center. As you can imagine, we were actually very proud of our Community and accomplishments. You can imagine the pride I felt as your Mayor, the feeling was fleeting. I realized the fast hard work we would need to perform to ensure his trip to our City was safe. Our City Manager, our Chief Police Department and Parks Department were all hands-on deck working alongside the Secret Service.
The President was coming to South Florida for many reasons. Obviously, the Election is important but to discuss the work he has done over the past year on Infrastructure. This topic is just as important if not even more important for our cities, state and country. Our City has been one of the prime examples of how to do things right and having shovel ready projects to leverage these programs.
I know many people have clouded Partisan Political ideas when it comes to these issues but after being in office for more than 20 years it is an amazing accomplishment that President Biden has moved forward with Infrastructure.
I have served under multiple Presidents: President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, President Trump and now finally, President Biden. This President finally passed significant Legislation to invest in the future of America and American cities. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so cities like Hallandale Beach can Reinvest in our Infrastructure when it comes to Water, Sewer and Wastewater. In addition, there will be investments in broadband technologies, roadways, bridges, green infrastructure and the power grid hardening.
In Hallandale Beach, we know so well that hardening our facilities and addressing Sea Level Rise is paramount. I still find it hard to believe there are those that are still deniers of climate. They need to come to our Intracoastal Water during The King Tide Season.
While the President, I am sure will speak on these Policy Issues, there are additional Investments in Schools and Healthcare. It is amazing that for the first time the cost of medicine is being addressed. The cost reduction In Insulin alone has impacted millions of lives across our country.
Some of us are Republicans and some are Democrats. There is one thing I always share, ”potholes are not Partisan.” Infrastructure is Non-Partisan and this President didn’t just talk the talk, walk the walk and get it done.
The conversation about Infrastructure couldn’t be timelier as we are poised to make Millions and Millions of Dollars of Investments in Infrastructure. Combined with our Taxpayer Dollars these State and Federal Resources are already being put to work. These Investments are critical for our future. Many of us know that we have had over 500+ Water Main Breaks. This topic has been brought up during the elections. While our Staff has been Mobile and Agile Fixing and Repairing many of our Valves and Pipes the time of Band Aid Fixes that have been taking place in the past years is ending.
The end of the month we will be Mobilizing Construction on Lane Boulevard to replace our Main Sewer Line. On Three Islands, they will begin a Replacement Project for Water Mains. With our Commission, now that we are on the same page have approved Projects that have been sitting on the shelf for over 5 years plus, your Commission is not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. Get out and Vote, so we can continue our hard work.
As always, I am available for your questions, concerns and ideas to help make our City a better place. Please feel free to reach out at my office: (954) 457-1318. On my Cell/Text at: (954) 632-5700. Or email at: jcooper@cohb.org.