We Want To Hear From You! Hollywood Marina Master Plan Underway

September 9, 2021
Take an active role in your community, visit: www.PlanHollywoodFLMarina.com
The City Of Hollywood, has begun developing, A Marina Master Plan and they need to hear from you. The Plan will serve as a Comprehensive Guide, for future In-Water and Land-Side, Capital Improvement and Investment Projects. The Plan will address, Public Launching Sites, Dry Slip Parking, Wet Slip Dockage, Competitive Docking Feeds, ADA Accessibility Enhancements, Traffic, Public Safety Concerns, The Public Right-Of-Way and an Unified Shoreline.
A critical component for the success of the Plan is active collaboration between the City, Residents, Marine Customers and Key Stakeholders. Public participation is key to helping the project team understand the challenges, explore the opportunities and decide together, on the best actionable Plan, to move forward. All are encouraged to visit the Hollywood Marina Master Plan's website: www.PlanHollywoodFLMarina.com. There you can learn more about the Plan and submit your ideas, to help form the Plan. The web-site will be updated throughout the planning process, with information on upcoming virtual public meetings, survey opportunities and proposed concepts. There’s also an opportunity to subscribe to e-blasts to be notified of Project and Plan Updates, during key milestones in the planning process. Take an active role in your community, visit: www.PlanHollywoodFLMarina.com and stay up-to-date today.