We Want to Hear from You

September 23, 2021
Dixie Highway Complete Streets Project
As part of Broward County’s Complete Streets Initiative, the City of Hollywood and the City of Hallandale Beach are considering a project to transform travel lanes within existing sections of Dixie Highway between NE 215th and Sheridan Streets that currently have three or four travel lanes per direction with proven excess capacity. As preparation for this project, the City of Hollywood and the City of Hallandale Beach worked together to create a traffic study for the Dixie Highway corridor in 2014. The study concluded that after the implementation of the Complete Streets project, the corridor will operate at adopted level of service standards during peak period traffic conditions, not restricting the flow of traffic.
The Plan recommends converting the Dixie Highway and 21st Avenue corridor into a Complete Street, transit-ready corridor that provides access to the proposed commuter rail station and links to several residential and commercial neighborhoods. Roadway space will be repurposed to fill in sidewalk gaps, add buffered bicycle lanes, construct the Flagler Trail, add on-street parking in commercial areas and landscaping buffers throughout the project corridor, “remaking” the street into a facility that better suits the needs of all users.
Public Meeting
The City of Hollywood Engineering, Transportation, Mobility Division and the City of Hallandale Beach will be conducting a Public Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 28th, 2022 to present the proposed lane repurposing project and to gather public input. The meeting will take place virtually, and pre-registration is required. Register your attendance at: https://kimley-horn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vrGUktuhQY-jCuxls2nnGQ to receive the link to join and participate in the meeting.
An in-person option will also be offered at the City of Hallandale Beach Cultural Center, located at 410 Southeast 3rd Street, Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009. This location will offer the opportunity to watch the virtual meeting in a group setting and an option to leave your comments with staff.
Meeting Agenda:
Project Overview
Funding Process
Public Input/Questions
Find Out More
Visit the City News section on: www.hollywoodfl.org to learn more about this important improvement project. There you will find more about what a road diet is, the proposed improvements, a link to submit your comments and a link to the Lane Repurposing Survey.