Sunny Isles Beach Photo Contest

July 13, 2023
Each year the City of Sunny Isles Beach holds a Photo Contest, asking residents, visitors and locals to send us their best Sunny Isles Beach photographs. Now is the time to submit those great shots of the City’s stunning architecture, beautiful parks, the Atlantic Ocean and our residents and visitors having fun in the sun! The photo must be of a scene taken in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida between 156th Street through 195th Street and the Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway.
Each page of the desktop calendar features a Winning photograph and the name of the photographer. Calendars are FREE and can be picked up at the end of November at the Sunny Isles Beach Government Center, Pelican Community Park and Gateway Center.
Even if your photo is not chosen for the calendar, there are many other places it may show up! Photos may appear in our Live & Play Magazine, Sunny Isles Beach Islander Monthly Newsletter, on our website, or on our Social Media pages. All entries are considered and welcomed.
Photo entries should be submitted online if possible, but can also be submitted via storage devices such as flash drives, which may then be dropped off or mailed to the Sunny Isles Beach Government Center - Attention: Vanessa Viera, 18070 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida 33160. Be sure to include your contact information so that it may be retrieved later.
Past Winners
In 2023, the City received many creative and stunning photographs of the picturesque city. Winning photos were selected by the calendar design committee and the Winning photographers were recognized at the December 15th, 2022, Regular City Commission Meeting.
You can see the Winning photographs featured in the 2023 Sunny Isles Beach desktop calendar. Calendars are free and available to pick up at the front desk of the Sunny Isles Beach Government Center, Pelican Community Park and Gateway Center. If you submitted a photo to the contest and were not selected to be featured in the calendar, you may still see your work featured on City of Sunny Isles Beach Social Media, Digital Publications, or on the City's website:
To view past Contest Winners, visit:
Requirements: Photos should be at least 300 dpi to be considered for the calendar. For best resolution, a digital camera should be used. Submissions are due by September 1st of each year.
Direct any questions to: (305) 792-1920. Or: Now grab your camera and take some Prize-Winning shots!
To submit photos visit: and to sign the waiver visit: