Artificial Reef Modules Delivered to Hollywood
June 23, 2022
1000 Mermaids has delivered the artificial reef modules that are now on display at four locations around the City. The displays give the public a chance to see the structures up close, learn about the project, and how they can protect our offshore reefs before they are deployed in the waters off the coast of Hollywood. The modules are on display at the following locations through the month of June:
• Hollywood Beach Broadwalk at Johnson Street
• ArtsPark at Young Circle (Grove Area)
• City Hall Circle (East-side Memorial area)
• Driftwood Community Center
The Ocean Rescue Alliance (ORA) in partnership with the City of Hollywood’s Community Redevelopment Agency, is preparing to create its second 1000 Mermaids Artificial Reef Project site off the coast of Hollywood Beach with 20 ocean-friendly artificial reef modules. The Hollywood site will bring the total number of artificial reef structures deployed in the ocean off South Florida's coast to over 100 since the project was originally launched 5 years ago.
The 1000 Mermaids Project is a monumental public eco-art project in the form of an artificial reef installation that also serves as an underwater eco-friendly destination for coral restoration, eco-tourism & research. The artificial reef sculptures, weighing between 2200-3300 lbs each, come outfitted with the patented "Coral Lok" system allowing coral to be out-planted directly to the artificial reefs. Of the 20 artificial reef structures being deployed, 5 feature artistic sculptures such as mermaids, a swim up selfie mermaid tail, and an industrial diver suit. The remaining 15 structures, built by Reef Cells in Boynton Beach, have biological bases specifically engineered to support fish habitat and provide coral restoration opportunities.
"The city is excited to work with Ocean Rescue Alliance to continue to expand this project and offer additional underwater sites that beachgoers can swim to from shore," says Mayor Josh Levy. "The Ocean Rescue Alliance is looking forward to deploying this artificial reef in partnership with the City of Hollywood to make a reef site that truly connects the community back to the marine environment." says Shelby Thomas, Co-Founder and CEO of Ocean Rescue Alliance. "More importantly, this reef site will continuously host and protect marine life while facilitating unique opportunities that will serve the community for generations to come.”
Reef Cells uses eco-friendly materials including limestone concrete & calcium carbonate that encourage corals and other sea creatures to attach themselves to the reef with reef shapes that are strategically designed to provide a home to thousands of fish and invertebrates. Reef Cells are a proven solution for building new reef communities while providing destinations for divers to experience the thrill of exploring these unique underwater sculpture gardens. Mermaids have long been a symbol of humans’ connection to the ocean. Sculptures for this installation were created by using 3D scans of real people to create the mermaids that are artistically crafted onto the modules.
Learn more about the 1000 Mermaids Artificial Reef Project: