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It’s Sad When Our History Is Forgotten

By Hallandale Beach Mayor, Joy Cooper

June 3, 2021

Let Us Remember The Many Soldiers That Had Given The Ultimate Sacrifice

The holiday weekend that was almost back to normal. My family and I, usually stay put on Memorial Day, it has always been a family tradition for years, a visit to place flags at loved one’s graves and then, a family BBQ. When we moved to Florida 30 years ago after the City Ceremony, my family would be front and center at my house. I always called my Dad and thanked him for his service to our Country. This weekend, I missed him and the chats that we would have about WWII and I wonder what that conversation would be like, if, he was still with us.

My Dad served in over 40 plus missions in the War, he did not talk about it until he got older, as it was very hard for him. I am sure that it is the same way for many men and women. When my Uncle, Jim Ventura, came home, he was in and out of the hospital with depression and he was never the same. My sister in-law's brother, came home and he was ravaged mentally by Vietnam and sadly, he committed suicide. Today, we have many solders that are back, but still have the mental scares of losing their buddies on the battlefields!

It’s sad when our history is forgotten and worse, it is not taught in our classrooms. Korea, Lebanon, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, The Gulf War, Iraqi No Fly Zones, Bosnia, Haiti, Kosovo, Afghanistan, The War In Iraq, The War In Syria, Libya and Uganda are also wars or interventions that have taken place, since WWII. In these wars, we join forces with other countries to fight tyranny, warlords, ethnic cleansing and human genocide! There is evil in our World and we as a powerful Nation, cannot and should not, sit by and let it take hold. “The only thing for necessary for the triumph of Evil to prevail, is for good people, men and women, to do nothing!”

My Dad never supported the Vietnam War and spoke against Afghanistan's involvement, saying that both were never going to be won and he would be glad, that we are out! He would also speak up for the protection of Israel, he saw what the Nazi's did and understood the various Bedouins and other tribes in the Middle East, he actually shared, that they were warned about being captured, during World War II training.

While I also believe in my heart, he would be alarmed at what is taking place in our Country now, he did live through many years of riots and protests, we used to talk about guns, he never owned one and he did not want them, in our home. My brother used to commute to NYC and he had a license to carry, however, my parents insisted that it was put away in a lock box when he was at home, my mother and father always believed in a good education and worked hard to make sure that we had a good foundation.

After this weekend and the continued senseless shootings, it is evident, in my opinion, guns and lack of education have finally caught up with our country. I am going to sound like my Dad, but there is simply a lack of work ethic and our children are no longer being taught job preparation skills, the schools are constantly failing children that are not cut out to go to college and I know, that there magnet programs that give students a glimpse into professions, but, there is a lack of trade schools.

Broward County School District only has Sheridan Technical College and Technical High School with three campuses, the main and largest one, is located on Sheridan Street, there is only one for automotive in Pembroke Pines, that also teaches commercial driving, the other is in Fort Lauderdale, that one, is more like a magnet program. Sheridan Technical Vocational School, boosts on-line classes in technical fields, these are the only free schools for students under the age of 18, the rest of them are all High Schools or have charges. Economical stability and jobs, are intertwined with a successful community. If we cannot address guns and the lack of education, when it comes to preparing our students for jobs, we will continue to see more gang related shootings and we will also continue to see, the rise in social unrest!

Let us remember, that many soldiers had given the ultimate sacrifice! Let us teach our children what they fought for! FREEDOM! Let all of us work together to make sure opportunities are available to all, on a level playing field. As always, feel free to contact me anytime with your questions, concerns and ideas on how to make our City, a great place to live, work and play! I am available on my phone or by text at: (954) 632-5700. E-mail me at: Or, visit my Facebook account at: MayorJoyCooper. Visit my web-site at:

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