Don Soffer Aventura High School: “A+” Inaugural Year Centers on Academic Excellence

By Joyce R. Forchion - LOVE, AVENTURA.
September 10, 2022
Who is considered a celebrity in Aventura? To some, residents would quickly point out any American Express Centurion Black Card holder perusing shelves lined with designer handbags at Nordstrom. To others following the city’s rapid expansion of top-tier educational institutions in the neighborhood, the correct answer would be teenagers who were selected to enroll at Don Soffer Aventura High School (DSAHS), Aventura’s first and only tuition-free municipal charter school.
After successfully completing a commendable inaugural year led by Dr. Geoff McKee, the school’s visionary principal, administrators, teachers, and support staff united on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 to welcome students attending grades nine through eleven to campus for the fall semester, including the addition of its first senior class. Capping off its second year with stellar news courtesy of the Florida Department of Education, which recently confirmed the school’s “A” grade for exceptional performance in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science, DSAHS students remain focused on an adventurous new chapter paving the way to the college admissions process.
Don Soffer Aventura High School’s presence has already garnered attention from executives considering relocation to Aventura with hopes of enrolling their college-bound teenagers in the exceptional institution. Graduating from DSAHS will place high-achieving students on the fast-track to entrance consideration and scholarship opportunities from distinguished universities worldwide, especially given the meritorious diploma designations available at the school. For instance, students can earn the University of Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma through an accelerated academic curriculum and assessment program facilitated by the University of Cambridge’s nonprofit department in England, where students are taught to integrate independent thinking, peer collaboration, and 100 hours of community service into their class applications. Additionally, the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Capstone Diploma is also available to students who excel in two courses– AP Seminar and AP Research– and complete intensive study in four selected AP courses requiring minimal scores of “three” on a five-point scale.
Though students at Don Soffer Aventura High School are taught the importance of earning impressive credentials that would attract scholarship panels and college admissions representatives - such as high test scores and detailed resumes - they are also encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and athletic programs promoting character-building objectives and decisive leadership skills. The open enrollment lottery admissions process for the 2023-2024 school year will begin in January 2023, and details will be announced later this year. Admission preference is granted to applicants who have lived in Aventura for at least one year before the commencement of the lottery period, along with siblings of students currently attending the school. To learn more about the Don Soffer Aventura High School and its commitment to producing our next generation of exemplary global citizens, visit:
LOVE, AVENTURA. A column celebrating the heart, soul, and culture of our community.