Indoor Public Access Suspended At City Of Hollywood Facilities
August 19, 2021
Hollywood City Hall and Community Centers, will be closed to the general public for indoor activities and recreation effective Monday, August 23
In light of the spike in COVID-19 Positive Cases in South Florida and the elevated risk to public health, all City facilities in the City of Hollywood, including City Hall and Community Centers, will be closed to the general public, for indoor activities and recreation effective, Monday, August 23rd, 2021. The closure will remain in effect, until further notice. Customers are encouraged, to use the many services that are offered, on-line.
Outdoor Recreation:
Outdoor Recreation Facilities such as: Driftwood Community Swimming Pool, Parks, Marina, Sports Fields, Playgrounds, Golf Courses, Tennis and Pickleball Courts, Skate Parks and the ArtsPark at Young Circle, will remain open and outdoor events, like the ArtsPark Friday Night Movie, will continue. The Indoor Art Studios at the ArtsPark Gallery, will be closed. All Community Centers will be closed and no inside activities will take place, with the exception of School Aftercare and Barry University Programs.
City Commission/CRA Meetings:
A number of options remain for members of the public to view and participate in, with the City Commission and Community Redevelopment Meetings, including an in-person option, for those wishing to speak.
Watch The Meeting:
City’s website:
Comcast Channel 78
ATT U-Verse Channel 99
Watching the meeting in-person is currently not, an option for the general public.
Submit A Public Comment:
Any member of the public wishing to comment on any matter, including specific agenda items and/or Citizens Comments may do so, by submitting a comment via the City’s website. Those requiring additional assistance, by calling the Office Of The City Clerk, during normal business hours, at: (954) 921-3211. Comments will be read into the record, as time permits. All comments received during the submission period, will become part, of the public record.
In-Person Public Comment Registration:
Those wishing to make public comments in-person, must register their attendance in advance via the City’s website. General Public Admission into City Hall, will be granted, only to those individuals, who have pre-registered to speak. Everyone entering City Hall, must pass through a temperature checkpoint, prior to admittance, no exceptions. Once an individual is called, they will be invited into the Chambers, to speak for three minutes. Once finished, individuals will be required to leave City Hall, unless commenting on multiple items. If commenting on multiple items, individuals will go to a designated waiting area, until they are called again. Masks covering your nose and mouth, are required at all times and individuals, must remain socially distanced from others, while waiting, to enter the Chambers.
Additional Information:
Links to submit public comments, are posted by close of the business day, on the Thursday, prior to a meeting, on the City’s main website, at:
Comments are limited to 400 words and/or 3 minutes spoken, maximum.
Comments left on voicemail machines or e-mailed, will be posted to the City’s social media accounts or submitted, after 6:00 p.m. on the day before a meeting, will not be accepted.
For Additional Information, Please Call The Appropriate City Department, Listed Below:
Mayor and City Commissioners: (954) 921-3321
City Attorney’s Office: (954) 921-3435
City Clerk: (954) 921-3211
City Manager’s Office: (954) 921-3201
Community Redevelopment Agency: (954) 924-2980
Budget & Performance Management: (954) 921-3206
Development Services: (954) 921-3471
Code Compliance: (954) 921-3061
Design & Construction Management: (954) 921-3410
Emergency Management: (954) 921-3053
Financial Services: (954) 921-3234
Procurement Services: (954) 921-3221
Treasury: (954) 921-3232
General Accounting: (954) 921-3228
Fire Rescue and Beach Safety: (954) 967-4248
Fire Inspectors: (954) 967-4404
Fire Investigation Reports: (954) 967-4404
Human Resources: (954) 921-3216
Labor Relations: (954) 921-3519
Information Technology: (954) 921-3479
Parks, Recreation And Cultural Arts: (954) 921-3404
Police Department – Non Emergency: (954) 764-HELP (4357)
Office Of The Chief: (954) 967-4300
Police Information Desk: (954) 967-4636
Communications, Marketing & Economic Development: (954) 921-3620
Public Utilities: (954) 967-4455
Reconnection Water Services (Weekdays): (954) 921-3938
Report Emergency Leaks: (954) 967-4357
Public Works: (954) 967-4526
Garbage/Recycling Services: (954) 967-4200