Earn Up To $25,000: To Improve Your Commercial Property In Hollywood

July 26, 2023
The City of Hollywood Commercial Property Improvement Program (CPIP) is available to Hollywood businesses interested in Improving the Facade of their Commercial or Industrial Building. Grant Funding for Half of Exterior Improvement Construction Costs, up to a Maximum Amount of $25,000 Per Commercial or Industrial Property/Property Owner is available.
The funds, which utilize Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Dollars (50/50 match), General Capital Outlay Fund (GCOF) Dollars (40/60 match), and American Rescue Plan Act Dollars (40/60 match), are an Incentive for Property Owners to Restore, Renovate or Improve their Building and/or Property. This Investment Improves the area’s Physical Characteristics and Enhances the Visual Quality and Attractiveness of the Environment, leading to Increased Occupancy and Property Values.
Pre-Application Process
Applicants will Submit a Pre-Application Form which identifies the Property to be Improved along with a General Overview and Design Concept of the Proposed Renovations. City Staff will meet with the Applicant to review their Conceptual Plans and discuss Eligibility Criteria, Program Requirements, Proposed Project Scheduling and consistency of the Design Proposal with the City's Design Guidelines. A search will be conducted to determine whether there are Pending Code Violations on the Property. If no Code Violations are found and Staff determines the Project is likely to Qualify for Program Funding, the Applicant will move onto the Formal Application Process.
Project Proposals will be Reviewed and Approved by demonstrating Comprehensive Design with Substantial Improvements to the Exterior Facade of the Building, Conform to District Characteristics and Enhance the Visibility of the Corridor.
Formal Application Process
During the Formal Application Process, the applicant may be Required to Provide Additional Supporting Documents for the Proposed Project. The City's Engineering Division will conduct a "Comprehensive/Substantial Improvement Review" which will include a review of Architectural Plan Changes and Cost Estimates. Applicants must demonstrate the capacity to cover their Half of the Project Cost.
Those interested in learning more about the program should call Hugo Amaya, Corridor Redevelopment Specialist at: (954) 921-3620.